Scavenger Hunt

Point: 50


Web Exploitation


There is some interesting information hidden around this site Can you find it?


You should have enough hints to find the files, don't run a brute forcer.


After looking to the website, I opened the source code, It's led me to first part of the flag

  <div class="container">
      <h1>Just some boring HTML</h1>

      onclick="openTab('tabintro', this, '#222')"
    <button class="tablink" onclick="openTab('tababout', this, '#222')">

    <div id="tabintro" class="tabcontent">
      <p>How do you like my website?</p>

    <div id="tababout" class="tabcontent">
        I used these to make this site: <br />
        HTML <br />
        CSS <br />
        JS (JavaScript)
      <!-- Here's the first part of the flag: picoCTF{t -->

Next, I looked to css and js file. From css file I got second part of the flag

/* CSS makes the page look nice, and yes, it also has part of the flag. Here's part 2: h4ts_4_l0 */

And in the js file, I got a hint. Okay, just googling the question, then it was help me know about robots.txt file. Thus, I tried to go to target/robots.txt -> got part 3 of the flag

/* How can I keep Google from indexing my website? */
User-agent: *
Disallow: /index.html
# Part 3: t_0f_pl4c
# I think this is an apache server... can you Access the next flag?

From the hint, It was uppercase Access word and it's apache server. Hmm, I was tried to access .htaccess file -> got part 4 of the flag. If you do not know about .htaccess file, basically it's a powerful website file that controls high-level configuration of your website. On servers that run Apache (a web server software), it allows you to changes to your website's configuration without having to edit server configuration

# Part 4: 3s_2_lO0k
# I love making websites on my Mac, I can Store a lot of information there.

It's again with Store uppercase word, so I tried access to .DS_Store file -> I got final part of the flag.

Congrats! You completed the scavenger hunt. Part 5: _a69684fd}



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