Scavenger Hunt
Point: 50
Web Exploitation
There is some interesting information hidden around this site Can you find it?
You should have enough hints to find the files, don't run a brute forcer.
After looking to the website, I opened the source code, It's led me to first part of the flag
Next, I looked to css and js file. From css file I got second part of the flag
And in the js file, I got a hint. Okay, just googling the question, then it was help me know about robots.txt file. Thus, I tried to go to target/robots.txt
-> got part 3 of the flag
From the hint, It was uppercase Access word and it's apache server. Hmm, I was tried to access .htaccess
file -> got part 4 of the flag. If you do not know about .htaccess
file, basically it's a powerful website file that controls high-level configuration of your website. On servers that run Apache (a web server software), it allows you to changes to your website's configuration without having to edit server configuration
It's again with Store uppercase word, so I tried access to .DS_Store
file -> I got final part of the flag.
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