
Array - The foundation of storing data

What is an Array?

💡An array is a linear collection of data values that are accessible at numbered indices, starting at index 0.

How The Array Is Stored In The Memory?

Contiguous Allocation:

  • Array elements are stored consecutively in memory, one after the other, starting from a specific memory address.

  • This allows for efficient random access to elements using their indices.

Memory Size:

  • The total memory occupied by an array is the product of the number of elements and the size of each element.

  • For example, an array of 10 integers (each 4 bytes) would occupy 40 bytes of memory.

Memory Allocation:

The location where an array is stored in memory depends on how it's declared:

  • Global or static arrays: Typically stored in a data segment, a fixed region of memory reserved for static data.

  • Local arrays within functions: Usually allocated on the stack, a LIFO (last-in, first-out) structure is used for function calls and local variables.

  • Dynamically allocated arrays (using malloc in C or new in C++): Stored on the heap, a region of memory for dynamic memory allocation.

Accessing Elements:

  • The array has a base address, which points to the first element's memory location.

  • To access any element, the computer calculates its offset from the base address using its index.

Accessing an array element involves:

  • Calculating the memory address: Base address of the array + (index * size of each element)

  • Reading or writing data at that memory address.


Consider an integer array:

let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

If the base address of the array is 0x1000:

  • numbers[0] is at address 0x1000 (1st element)

  • numbers[2] is at address 0x1008 (3rd element, offset by 2 * 4 bytes)

Multidimensional Arrays:

  • Stored in row-major order (elements of each row are stored consecutively, followed by elements of the next row).

Big O Notation of Array Operations

OperationsTime Complexity

Accessing at a given index


Updating at a given index


Inserting at the beginning


Inserting in the middle


Inserting at the end

O(1)O(1) for dynamic array O(n)O(n) for static array

Removing at the beginning


Removing in the middle


Removing at the end


Copying the array


Implementation of Array In JavaScript

Here's an example implementation of common array operations in JavaScript:

Creating an array:

// Array literal syntax
const myArray = [1, "hello", true];

// Using the Array constructor
const myArray2 = new Array(3); // Creates an empty array with a length of 3

// Filling an array with a specific value
const filledArray = Array(5).fill(0); // Creates an array of 5 zeros

Accessing elements:

const firstElement = myArray[0]; // firstElement will be 1
const lastElement = myArray[myArray.length - 1]; // lastElement will be "true"

// Accessing using negative indexes (starts from the end)
const secondToLast = myArray[-2]; // secondToLast will be "hello"

Adding elements:

// Push adds to the end
myArray.push(5); // Adds 5 to the end of the array

// Unshift adds to the beginning
myArray.unshift(0); // Adds 0 to the beginning of the array

// Splice adds/removes elements at specific positions
myArray.splice(2, 1, "world"); // Replaces element at index 2 with "world"

Removing elements:

// Pop removes from the end
const removedElement = myArray.pop(); // removedElement will be "true"

// Shift removes from the beginning
const firstRemoved = myArray.shift(); // firstRemoved will be 0

// Splice removes elements at specific positions
myArray.splice(1, 2); // Removes elements at indexes 1 and 2 (inclusive)

Iterating over elements:

// For loop with index
for (let i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {

// For...of loop for values
for (const element of myArray) {

// Array.forEach method
myArray.forEach((element) => {

Searching for an element:

// indexOf returns the index of the first occurrence, or -1 if not found
const index = myArray.indexOf("hello"); // index will be 1

// includes checks if an element exists (true/false)
const found = myArray.includes("world"); // found will be false

Sorting elements:

// Sort method sorts the array in ascending order
myArray.sort(); // Modifies the original array

// Using comparison function for custom sorting
myArray.sort((a, b) => b - a); // Sorts in descending order

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